lunes, 1 de marzo de 2010

Spiral sliced ham

Habits in anglosaxon world and mediterranean world on ham slicing are differents but compatibles.

Mediterranean people use to have at home the whole pig leg, tu proceed with slicing as they use for inmediate comsuption. Sometimes the leg is hang, others is pleced in a horizontal support call "jamonera", where the cutting surface that is using is covered with the inital cut skin from the fat face, so as it keeps its organolepthic properties.

Anglosaxon people only buy the slices they are eating, and use to cook this slices with honey,potatoes as an additional ingredients for a recipe, or as the binary elements of a contrast plate(cured against sweet).

The only difference it is how you administrate the slicing, because either in comercial vacuum packs or in just cut to it from the original leg, contrast plates can be cooked efficently.

Anglosaxon people produce the contrast with creams and honey, meditarrenan people with melon and sweet fruits.

Two different interesting approches to be known each other.

Spanish pig and wild boar

Extremadura is the spain region with bigger potential surface extension for the wild-controlled spanish breeding.

When the pig is bred in this way ,it is nourish from the country food it meets in the acorn oak forest ,the best known is the acorn.

Nonetheless acorn is not the only one. The pigs love to eat the fresh roots it detects smelling, digs with its snouts and chews with its canines

It also eats country leguminos and grain.

The best way to understand what is happenning is to remenber the TVv documental "The man and the earth" from professor Féliz Rodriguez de la fuente, when the wolves looking for best opportunity to chase the wild boar, waited until he went down fron the mountain to the valley looking for fresh root near the streams.